Monday, 27 August 2012


While visiting Ottawa we discovered two very interesting exhibitions.   The paintings of Van Gogh insisted about possible influences which might have had an impact on the artist.  For example the photographs, drawings and engravings of other artists were easily accessible  as well as Japanese scenes popular at the moment .   Van Gogh had acquired approximately 400 japanese prints at the time of his death. 

The Maya exhibition in the Museum of Civilization presented an outline of the history of this civilization which was destroyed by the Spanish conquest.   A loss for the humanity.

We also saw the illuminated show on the Parliament walls.   Like the one presented two years ago, this one insists on bilingualism specific to our country.   But we noted that not all the employees of the city are bilingual… 

The following drawings will always help me remember these pleasant moments in the Canadian capital.

Sunday, 12 August 2012


Walking on the Saint-Catherine street gave me the oportunity to draw three scenes.   The first one was done inside the St.James United Church.   I came in at the end of the religious office and the organist  was playing the last measures of the “Phantom of the Opera”, it is at least what somebody told me when coming in.   A splendid sound.  
A drawing of the church taken at the back follows.

Finally,  sitted in the shade on the Philips Public Square, I  sketched part of The Bay building.